Blogtober – Day 11 – My Favourite Foods

I’m down sick today so I figured, if I can’t eat, at least I can look at my favourite foods. I hope you enjoy not eating them as much as I will. 😛

My Top 10 Favourite Foods (in Alphabetical Order)

  1. Broccoli Salad. I just love the crunch of the broccoli and the tang of the white wine vinegar dressing. And, of course, it has bacon, cheese, and mushrooms. 3 of my favourite things!
    Favourite Foods
  2. Cheesecake. Cheesecakes are like my children I love them all equally. I couldn’t find a photo of my totally-not-really-favourite one, though. Oreo crumb crust, manadrins baked in, dark chocolate drizzled over the top.
    Favourite Foods
  3. Fish & Chips. Give me a good beer battered cod, crispy chips with malt vinegar, and a side of nice, salty mushy peas ANY day.
    Favourite Foods
  4. Lasagna. My mom’s lasagna will always hold a special place in my heart. I adore its simplicity. Noodles, ricotta and spinach, marinara sauce, mozzarella, repeat. But you could probably feed me lasagna from just about anywhere and win me over with it.
    Favourite Foods
  5. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. There’s something about the combination of cooling mint and slightly bitter dark chocolate that is just ridiculously refreshing in the middle of a hot summer.
    Favourite Foods
  6. Shortbread Cookies. The crisp snap and buttery flakiness of a good shortbread will always remind me of Christmases with my grandma. Despite the fact that she had celiac disease and couldn’t eat them, she made the tastiest shortbread anywhere.
    Favourite Foods
  7. Sushi. OK, not JUST sushi. I’d take some chicken and shrimp teriyaki. And I’d take some tempura vegetables. Then I’d take a big plate of pork gyoza. And then I’d take a huge tray of sushi.
    Favourite Foods
  8. Tamales. When I was in high school, one of my best friends was from Guatemala. Her mom used to make us tamales after school. They. were. AMAZING. I’ve been hooked on them ever since.
    Favourite Foods
  9. Yorkshire Pudding. With roast beef or not. I will gladly just eat them as a snack with gravy. My Nanny Bette used to make them for us all the time growing up. Don’t forget the eggs. Yorkshire pancakes aren’t nearly as good.
    Favourite Foods
  10. Youtiao. a.k.a Chinese donuts. Especially good with a bottle of green Schweppes cream soda.
    Favourite Foods

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Blogtober – Day 10 – Autumn Cleaning

I am as big a proponent of Spring cleaning as the next person. In theory, at least, if not in practice. To be honest, though, I find Autumn cleaning much more beneficial, both physically and emotionally. Here in Alberta, Winter is basically a 6-month lockdown period where we rarely leave the house. If the house is messy or cluttered, it can really hit you hard. Especially if you’re already prone to seasonal depression. So today, here is my room-by-room essentials of Autumn cleaning list!

Cleaning the Living Room

This one is usually the easiest to get out of the way so I start here to get that quick hit of accomplishment. I have a dust allergy that usually gets worse over the winter so I always start every room with dusting, washing the walls, and then washing the baseboards and floors. In the living room, I also make sure to give the windows a good, thorough scrub inside and out, and launder the curtains. I like to make sure what precious little sunlight we’re get, can get to us as easily as possible. Then I give the upholstery a good vacuum to get every last bit of dust and animal hair I can.

I also take this opportunity to declutter the board games, video games, books, and toys we keep in our living room. It’s much easier to keep bored children entertained throughout the winter without having to wade through a million choices.

Lastly, for us at least, I give all the animal homes a deep clean and disinfecting. For us, that includes a bird cage, a gerbil cage, a dog bed, a cat tree, the snake’s terrarium, 2 fish tanks and the crabitat.

Cleaning the Kitchen

Similar to the living room, I start by wiping down the walls, cabinets, appliances, and floors. Then I do a thorough wipe-down of the fridge, and defrost the freezer and deep-freeze. I take this opportunity to do an inventory of the fridge, freezers, and pantry so that I can stock up on staples for the winter. Sometimes the weather gets bad and we can’t get to the store. It’s best not to get caught short of supplies.

Another task I like to do quarterly that fits well here is doing a good drain cleaning with baking soda and vinegar. I also usually de-scale the taps at the same time.

Cleaning the Bathroom

The bathroom is another easy one. I basically just wipe down everything and then do the drains and taps just like the kitchen. I also declutter old containers out of the shower and cupboards while I’m at it. Another thing I do is put away all the “summer” toiletries, like sunscreen and aloe vera gel. Then I replace them with winter ones like heavy-duty moisturizer and lip balm. It’s also a good opportunity to swap out your candle, air freshener, and soap fragrances if you do so seasonally, as I do.

Cleaning the Bedrooms

I don’t know about your house, but the bedrooms in our house are clutter magnets. We end up with piles of  empty boxes, old papers, and clothes that should have been donated or thrown out. The upside is that we can just put the discards into the empty boxes and run them straight to the car. While I’m swapping out the summer clothes for winter, I also wipe down all the shelves, drawers, and rods. I make sure to vacuum the carpets, lamp shades, and mattress, and then rotate the mattress. I wash the curtains and all the bedding and then make sure to empty all the junk out of our bedside tables.

Cleaning the Rest…

Everything else I do is more odd jobs and I wasn’t sure where to fit it in so I’ll just put it here. Every season I make sure to put a new furnace filter in, descale the washer, and vacuum the dryer vent. I make sure that the outside taps are drained and turned off. Next, I harangue the kids into doing one last mow of the lawn to mulch the leaves. Then I make sure the walks are cleaned, the flower beds are winterized, and the gutters emptied. Lastly, I make sure that our salt bucket is full and our snow shovel is ready for business.

I know it sounds like a LOT of work but if I really knuckle down I can usually knock it out over a weekend. And it really REALLY makes the winter months more bearable. Do you do a big Autumn cleaning every year? If so, what are your best tips and tricks to make it go smoothly? Let me know!


Blogtober – Day 9 – 30 Questions Tag

I don’t love a questions tag but at least they’re easy to fill out and, who knows, you might actually learn something about me?

30 Questions Tag

  1. Your name: Jenny Spaghetti. (Not really, but that’s all you’re getting.
  2. Your Age: 38
  3. Best Friend(s): Probably Beth. It’s actually my hubby but that’s just so cliche.
  4. Relationship status: Married, 16 years.
  5. Piercings you have: 3, each ear.
  6. Piercings you want: Nose, maybe? If I really wanted any more I’d probably already have them.
  7. Tattoos you have: None.
  8. Tattoos you want: There’s none I’m desperate for. Maybe Eeyore?
  9. Favourite blog: The Kitchn I’m gonna call that a blog, anyways.
  10. The meaning behind your URL: Did this originate on Tumblr? Who even phrases it that way? My name is Jenny. I like spaghetti. </mystery>
  11. Favourite band at the moment: Always Queen. Otherwise, probably… Overwerk, Madeon, or Daft Punk.
  12. Favourite movie: The Last Unicorn, or anything MCU.
  13. A fact about your personality: I’m too old to be interesting. Cope.
  14. What you hate most about yourself: I don’t hate anything about myself. I guess what I dislike about myself is that I *want* an active social life but I just hate people so very much.
  15. What you love most about yourself: I know exactly what I believe in, and most of the why.
  16. What you want to be when you’re older: At my age? Still alive, I guess? Retired and traveling the world?
  17. Your idea of the perfect date: Dinner and a movie without the kids.
  18. Things you hate most: The regressive left, feminists, SJWs, socializing with people.
  19. Weakness: I tend to judge people too harshly and really struggle to change my opinion once it’s set.
  20. Phobia: Open water. Or, at least, the things that live in open water, and their potential to come into unseen contact with my body.
  21. What you hate(d) most about school: For the most part, I have always loved school. Even now, I take any kind of training that gets offered to me. The only thing I’ve ever hated about school was James, our grade 10 social studies teacher, who told me I wasn’t worth teaching.
  22. Things you find attractive in a partner: Intelligence, sense of humour, cute butt. (In that order.)
  23. Biggest turn-on: Someone who acts like a proper gentleman.
  24. Biggest turn-off: Poor hygiene.
  25. A random fact you know: My head is filled with little else. How about, that a polar bear’s fur is transparent rather than white.
  26. Your life quote:  “End of the road. Nothing to do, and no hope of things getting better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house.” –Eeyore
  27. Something you need to get off your chest: I’m incredibly resentful that people actually voted Trudeau and Notley into office.
  28. A person you hate and why you hate them: There’s nobody I know personally who I hate so I’ll go with child molesters, and for obvious reasons.
  29. The last time you cried, and why: October, when my grandpa passed away.
  30. Looks or personality, and why?: Personality, because it won’t matter what you look like when your inanity makes me gouge my own eyes out with a dull stick.

Blogtober – Day 7 – Favourite Autumn Quotes

The sights, smells, and sounds of Autumn inspire lots of amazing quotes. Here are some of my favourite Autumn quotes. I hope you enjoy them!

“Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn–that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind of taste and tenderness–that season which has drawn from every poet worthy of being read some attempt at description, or some lines of feeling.”

– Jane Austen, Persuasion

“The leaves fall, the wind blows, and the farm country slowly changes from the summer cottons into its winter wools.”

– Henry Beston

“Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.”

– Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”

– Lauren DeStefano, Wither

“I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.”

– Lee Maynard

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”

– L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

“Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple.”

– J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

“Are ye the ghosts of fallen leaves, O flakes of snow, For which, through naked trees, the winds A-mourning go?”

– John B. Tabb

“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.”

– J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

“Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!”

– Humbert Wolfe