1 Sept 2017 – Hey, I’m Keto-ing.

OOPS. I got my starting weight wrong. Doc says it was 300, not 295.

So this is me. I’m doing keto. I’ve tried to blog a number of times about my relationship with my weight but it’s just never come together. The gist of it is this: I don’t hate my body. I never have. I’ve never been able to identify with those people who hate their body or even just have that one “trouble spot” they’d like to change.

Maybe it’s because, even when I was a healthy weight, my body did not work properly and no amount of weight loss now will change that. Maybe living with a disability since birth gives me a different perspective than most on loving your body regardless of its limitations.

One thing is for certain: “Loving your body is the first step to weight loss” is a load of garbage. The journey of going from hating your body to loving your body is the first step to weight loss, and a step I’ve never needed to take. That makes weight loss that much harder because I simply don’t have that driving force urging me onward.

All those things you hear from people who want to lose weight, “I want to get in shape so I can climb a mountain!” or “I want to lose weight so I can play with my kids.” or “I want to lose weight so that I’ll feel healthier,” no matter how much weight I lose, none of these sentiments will ever be applicable to me. If I woke up tomorrow at 120 lb. I still wouldn’t be able to climb a mountain or play with my kids or feel healthy. It just is what it is. The closest thing I’ve ever had to a motivation to lose weight is that I hate fat lady clothes.

Regardless, if you know me, you will know that I am stubborn. Like, full-on mule mode stubborn. Like, I would rather walk off a cliff and fall into the sea than look like someone else has made me change my mind stubborn. When I set my mind on something, eventually I will get that something done. (The only force on earth greater than my stubbornness is my laziness so somethings those things will take a while.) I believe I have finally found my weight-loss catalyst and now that my mind is set, by God, I am getting this thing done. We have 3 big trips planned over the next 3 years and even though I have no illusions about developing the mobility to hike a major metropolitan area, the act of travelling itself is easier for smaller folks.

So, for the purposes of PAX West 2018, UK 2019, and Israel 2020: HERE WE GO.


I’m doing keto with light cardio and weight training. Though only light activity, it’s still miles above the “completely sedentary” I was achieving previously.


My starting weight as of September 1, 2017 is 295 lb. I’m 5’7″ with measurements of chest: 54″ waist: 47″ hips: 57″. I plan on posting a monthly check-in with updated weight and measurements, and observations about diet and exercise.


I don’t have a specific weight goal. I know that different fat/muscle ratios mean that two people who are the same size can weigh vastly different amounts. I’d like to get to a  43″ chest, 32″ waist, and 43″ hips.

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